Tuesday, October 30, 2007

16th weigh in

I lost 4 pounds yesterday and I'm now at a total weight loss of 30 pounds. I'm so happy and motivated to keep on going. It's been a struggle, but I'm so glad I have gotten this far. It feels great to feel like I've accomplished something. I've also stopped biting my nails and over all it has turned my life around. I'm looking forward to the next 30 and 30 after that.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

15th weigh in

I know I'm a little late on this one, but there isn't much to report. I didn't gain nor lose this week and as long as I'm not gaining I'm a happy camper :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

14th weigh in and update regarding my mom

Okay well I've changed my weigh day to Monday nights instead of Sunday mornings. I went last night and I lost a pound. Because I'm now weighing at night my weight will now be off by a few pounds. My Jenny consultant says that we gain anywhere from 2 to 3 pounds from morning to night. I'm happy with the 1 pound though, because last week I lost 6 and I was afraid I might gain some of it back.

In a update regarding my mom, the cancer has not spread. We were so happy to find that out because now her prognoses is really good. She's scheduled for surgery on Nov 5 to have the lump removed and then she will have radiation 6 to 8 weeks after her surgery. I'm so happy right now and I'm keep my fingers crossed that everything turns out alright.

Monday, October 8, 2007

13th weigh in

Wow....I lost 6 pounds this week. I was really taken aback. I know that most of it has to do with me being sick and stressed and therefore not eating properly, but still 6 pounds. That's awesome. I'm so happy, because after the last few weeks I thought I was giving up. Now I'm more determined then ever.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Things suck right now

I'm sad today, thinking about what could be. We met with the oncologist for the first time yesterday and it finally hit me, my mom has cancer. It's funny though because at the same time I was thinking that my mom turned to me and said, “this is it I've been assimilated into cancer world". I want so much to believe that everything will work out and I'll be able to have my mom in my life for years to come. I want her so much to be there when I get married and have children, but my mind keeps bringing me back to the worst case scenario. I hate that my mind can't keep positive. I'm usually such an optimistic person, but right now I just can't seem to stay in that head space.

On top of everything I have to worry about my weight. Between Thanksgiving, being stressed and sick now for the past 2 weeks on top of not eating right and working out, I know I'm going have gained when I weight in on Sunday. Everything is working against me right now and that really sucks.