Tuesday, October 16, 2007

14th weigh in and update regarding my mom

Okay well I've changed my weigh day to Monday nights instead of Sunday mornings. I went last night and I lost a pound. Because I'm now weighing at night my weight will now be off by a few pounds. My Jenny consultant says that we gain anywhere from 2 to 3 pounds from morning to night. I'm happy with the 1 pound though, because last week I lost 6 and I was afraid I might gain some of it back.

In a update regarding my mom, the cancer has not spread. We were so happy to find that out because now her prognoses is really good. She's scheduled for surgery on Nov 5 to have the lump removed and then she will have radiation 6 to 8 weeks after her surgery. I'm so happy right now and I'm keep my fingers crossed that everything turns out alright.

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