Wednesday, November 24, 2010

4 Mionths out...

It’s been a while since I’ve thought about this blog. It’s funny because before the surgery, it’s all you can think about and then after, you just want to get back to normal and live your everyday life. I guess that’s what I’ve been doing.

I love my sleeve, I’m almost 4 months out and I’m down 70 pounds. I starting see the effects of being on such a low caloric diet though. My iron is really low and so now along with having to take a multivitamin for the rest of my life I have to take iron too. Small price to pay I know, but I hate taking pills on the regular. Being low in iron though is awful, I mean forget the fact that you’re so tired you can sleep 10 hours every night and still want to keep sleeping, but the hair loss and the skin issues suck. I’m still waiting for my iron stores to increase enough to fix these problems.

I’m surprise though how little I eat now and how well I’ve adjusted to that. I still get head hunger sometimes, but I’ve learned to recognize that and it’s not difficult to get under control. Eating now doesn’t control me…I control it and that feels great.

I would recommend this surgery to anyone, who has been struggling with their weight their whole life. I feel free from food and I’m so much happy for it.